When to call 112?

In Finland we use only one emergency number, 112. The same emergency number 112 works in all EU countries. You can call the emergency number 112 free of charge from any phone with no need for an area code. You can also call 112 from a foreign mobile phone connection. You still won’t need an area code, just dial 112.

In case of emergency, call 112

There is only one emergency number in Finland. Please do not call the emergency number unless you have a genuine emergency for which you need urgent assistance from the authorities (police, paramedics, firefighters, social services).
Emergency calls in mainland Finland are answered by trained ERC operators in six emergency response centres. Calls are answered with the words “Hätäkeskus - Nödcentralen”.

Please listen carefully to the operator’s instructions and answer their questions succinctly.

When to call 112

  • If you have an emergency or you need urgent assistance from the authorities
  • If you know or suspect that somebody’s life, health, property or the environment is under threat or in danger

How to use the emergency number correctly

Abuse of the emergency number is a punishable offence. Unnecessary calls can cause delays in responding to real emergencies and have fatal consequences. 

The Emergency Response Centre Agency’s email addresses cannot be used to report emergencies. 
If you are unsure as to whether or not your situation is an emergency, it is always better to be safe than sorry and call the emergency number. Make the call yourself if you can. Asking someone else to make the call on your behalf can cause delays in getting help to you.

Do not use the emergency number 

  •  for general enquiries or to ask for advice,
  •  to report non-life-threatening disturbances such as power cuts, or if the situation is not urgent.