An animal in distress - when to call 112?
In emergency situations involving animals, it is useful to remember that you should only call the 112 emergency number if there is a significant threat to public safety or if special equipment or expertise that can be provided by the authorities is required.
- Animal-related situations to be reported to the police include animal protection offences and public disturbances caused by animals, such as an animal endangering traffic getting lost on a motorway or a major predator being sighted in an urban area.
- The rescue services should be called when animals classified as property such as farm production animals are in urgent distress and/or a lifting platform or other special equipment is required. Such situations include rescuing an animal from a collapsed building or if an animal has fallen through the ice or down a well.
When should you call the 112 emergency number?
For instance when
- a cow is stuck in a sludge well
- a deer animal has fallen on ice
- a child has been bitten by an adder
- a deer animal or horse is running on the motorway
- a major predator is moving in an urban area
Do not call 112
Do not call 112 when, for example
- an animal is found dead
- a one-footed seagull is seen on Market Square
- a cat refuses to come down from a tree
- there are apparently orphaned young birds on the ground
- the animal suffers a seizure
FAQ - Animals
Try to find the owner of the car and point out the issue. If you cannot reach the owner and the dog (or other animal) is symptomatic of heat stroke, call 112 and follow the instructions. Symptoms of heat stroke in dogs include severe panting, impaired motor skills, vomiting or loss of consciousness.
Some rescue services also respond to non-urgent assignments such as helping cats down from trees. However, as this is not an urgent emergency, do not call 112. Rescue service departments have helplines of their own that can be called and the rescue service departments decide on their response according to their available resources and their policy.
Owners are always responsible for their pets. In case of a sick pet, the appropriate thing to do is to consult a veterinarian. The contact details of veterinarians can be found on the website of their own municipality, among other things. Municipalities have 24-hour veterinary on-call services.
In case of found animals, contact your local animal shelter. These incidents are not emergencies which require a call to 112.
If you suspect deficiencies in the keeping of the animal, please contact animal protection. The information of the animal protection authority can be found on the website of the municipality in question by searching with keywords like "animal protection" or "veterinarian" or by calling the switchboard of the municipality.
All persons are obliged under the Animal Welfare Act to help or report an animal in a sick, injured or otherwise helpless state. The obligation to help applies to both wild and pet or farm animals.