Accessibility statement of the 112 Suomi application
Accessibility statement of the 112 Suomi mobile app
This accessibility statement applies to the 112 Suomi mobile app and was prepared on 24 June 2021 and updated on 12th September 2023. The service is subject to the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which stipulates that the websites and mobile applications of government agencies must be accessible to individuals with various disabilities or impairments.
This application was published in June 2015 and last updated on May 2023.
The 112 Suomi mobile app was evaluated by external audit in June 2021 (iOS and Android user interfaces).
Devices used: assistive device testing was carried out with the iPhone’s VoiceOver screen reader (iOS 14.6) and the Android TalkBack screen reader (Android 11 and 8.1). Keyboard testing was carried out with an external Bluetooth keyboard.
Accessibility status of the digital service
The application partially meets the accessibility requirements.
The application has a simple user interface and its contrast ratios meet the accessibility requirements.
Non-accessible content
The application is not yet fully compliant. The aim for the accessibility of the application is level AA of the WCAG 2.1 standard. If you need advice on using the application, you can contact the communications team of the Emergency Response Centre Agency at [email protected].
Deficiencies in the programmatic structure
- The programmatic implementation does not match the visual appearance of the page in some places.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: WCAG 1.3.1
Element-specific findings
- Navigation elements are read in English manner.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 2.4.6
Did you notice a deficiency in the accessibility of our digital service?
Let us know and we will do our best to correct the deficiency.
By email: [email protected]
Supervisory authority
If you notice accessibility issues with the site, please provide feedback first to us, the site administrator. It can take 14 days for us to reply. If you are not satisfied with our reply or do not receive any response within two weeks, you can submit a report to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. Detailed information on how to submit a report and how the matter will be handled is available on the Agency’s website.
Contact information of the supervisory authority
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
[email protected]
029 534 5000 (switchboard)
We are committed to improving the accessibility of digital services
The accessibility of the application was evaluated by a third party in June 2021.