ERICA - Emergency Response Center Information System:
Maintenance and further development transfer from Insta to Cinia 

Publication date 21.4.2021 13.30
Type:Press release
Logo of ERICA

Insta Response Ltd and Cinia Ltd have entered into an agreement on a transfer of business whereupon Cinia acquires title to an emergency response center information system and will assume responsibility for its maintenance and development. The acquisition will take effect on May 3rd, 2021. The nationwide Emergency Response Centre Agency receives all emergency calls via a single national emergency number, processes the data and alerts the necessary units utilizing the same information system. The ERICA system serving emergency center operations is one of our most critical information systems nationally.

Developed by the Emergency Response Centre Agency in long-term collaboration with Insta, the ERICA emergency response center information system has already served Finns for two years. The emergency response center information system and its development are of crucial significance in the face of changing society and increasing requirements posed on emergency center operations. Shared by the security authorities, the system also has effect on maintaining crisis preparedness.

– We have engaged in cooperation with Cinia Ltd previously as well, and we have strong confidence as far as the development of emergency center operations is concerned, says Taito Vainio, Director General of the Emergency Response Centre Agency

– With this arrangement, Insta trusts that the emergency response service will continue to run smoothly in the future as well, says Henry Nieminen, President & CEO of Insta.

– Cinia is a provider of high-availability data network, cyber security and software solutions.  With this arrangement, we will strengthen our position as a supplier of critical information systems and their cyber security solutions. With our extensive experience in demanding systems, we will be able to continue the reliable operation and high-quality further development of the nationwide emergency response center information system, says Ari-Jussi Knaapila, CEO of Cinia.

Cinia will grow by about 45 top-level experts following the transfer of nearly all of Insta Response Ltd’s personnel to Cinia as part of the business acquisition. The transfer of business will not have any effect on the personnel, as people will transfer to Cinia as senior employees and the operations will, for the time being, continue in Insta’s Sarankulma facilities in Tampere. 

The change will have no effect on the 112 service. 


Insta is an expert organization in industrial automation, industrial digitalization, cyber security and defense technologies that helps its customers develop and maintain their performance and profitability. By combining top-level expertise with smart technologies, we develop the performance and profitability of our customers in an increasingly rapidly developing and digitalizing world. People, competence and responsibility are the foundation of our operating culture. We can be trusted.

Founded in 2015 and based in Finland, Cinia Ltd provides secure high-availability data network and software solutions Our operations are based on our solid expertise in modern application development, data network technologies and critical operating environments. By combining our services with services of our partners, we can provide reliable and comprehensive solutions that help our customers write their own digital success stories.

The Emergency Response Centre Agency operates a nationwide network of ERCs under the Ministry of the Interior. The Emergency Response Centre Agency has a statutory mandate to answer emergency calls, evaluate their urgency and forward any calls that require immediate action to rescue services, the police, social services or health authorities.