The public safety announcement transmission system will be tested on 11 February

The official transmission system for public safety announcements will be tested again on the national emergency number day 11 February 2022 at 11:20 a.m.
During the test, the public safety announcements will be visible on TV screens and on page 112 of Teletext. The public safety announcement system will also be tested on radio, as usual.
The Emergency Response Centre Agency participates in the testing by transmitting the public safety announcements on the 112 Suomi app and publishing them on the Emergency Response Centre Agency’s website and Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The test is carried out by the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, Digita Oy and the Emergency Response Centre Agency.
See also
Statistics on the emergency number 112
How to instruct different target groups in calling the emergency number
Emergency number emphasised in different ways to different target groups
Record number of emergency calls interpreted
The growth in the foreign-language population is reflected in the number of interpreted emergency calls. The demand for Ukrainian interpretation, for example, has increased significantly over the past few years.
Statistics on the emergency number 112
In 2024, the Emergency Response Centre Agency received an average of 7,600 emergency calls every day. Of these calls, 1,600 should not have been made to the emergency response centre. Roughly one half of the calls were passed on to authorities while the other half were handled by the emergency response centre operator through guidance and advice. The average time in which an emergency call was picked up was seven seconds.
How to instruct different target groups in calling the emergency number
The 112 Day campaign has issued instructions on calling the emergency number for the general public as well as children and young people, older people and foreign-language speakers. Learn more about the instructions and make use of the associated materials.
The emergency number provides safety for children
Teaching children how to use the emergency number correctly is a safety action. It is important to talk to children about identifying emergencies and encourage them to report an emergency.
Emergency number emphasised in different ways to different target groups
The 112 Day is a nationwide campaign aimed at raising Finnish people’s awareness of the emergency number 112 and how to recognise emergencies. When it comes to 112 training, it is a good idea to consider the characteristic behaviour and understanding of the target group. For example, it is advisable to emphasise different things to children and young people than older people, immigrants and foreign nationals.