Virtual 112 Day events
112 Day is celebrated again on 11 February. On this day, attention will be paid to your and your loved ones’ safety, as well as to all actors in the safety and security sector — those who help in an emergency. In 2021, the campaign will be organised virtually under the theme “Safety is a right for all of us”.
Thank safety actors in social media: #thankyouchain
Many of us have received help in an emergency, and during the week of 112 Day, you have the opportunity to thank the various safety actors. Use the hashtag #thankyouchain in your message. This is an EU-wide campaign to acknowledge safety actors during the week of 112 Day.
Follow ERC Operator Patrick’s working day
On 112 Day, you can follow ERC Operator Patrick’s working day on the Emergency Response Centre Agency’s social media channels: Instagram and Facebook. We welcome you to follow along Patrick’s working day at the Turku Emergency Response Centre!
Ask us on Facebook 11 February from 2 p.m to 3 p.m.
Send us questions about the emergency number 112 and the activities of the emergency response centres, and our experts will answer them on Facebook on 11 February from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Add a 112 Day frame to your Facebook profile picture
You can add a 112 Day frame to your Facebook profile picture to show that you are participating in 112 Day. Safety belongs to all of us.
Participate and share safety information
During the campaign, anyone — a private individual, organisation, school, workplace, hobby group or association — can share valuable safety information to celebrate 112 Day. In addition, we can all improve our own and our loved ones’ safety by paying attention to small everyday acts and choices. Share your safety information by using the hashtags #112paiva #112dagen #112day on social media. You can download 112 Day photos for your use at
#112paiva #112dagen #112day #thankyouchain
See also
Statistics on the emergency number 112
How to instruct different target groups in calling the emergency number
Emergency number emphasised in different ways to different target groups
Record number of emergency calls interpreted
The growth in the foreign-language population is reflected in the number of interpreted emergency calls. The demand for Ukrainian interpretation, for example, has increased significantly over the past few years.
Statistics on the emergency number 112
In 2024, the Emergency Response Centre Agency received an average of 7,600 emergency calls every day. Of these calls, 1,600 should not have been made to the emergency response centre. Roughly one half of the calls were passed on to authorities while the other half were handled by the emergency response centre operator through guidance and advice. The average time in which an emergency call was picked up was seven seconds.
How to instruct different target groups in calling the emergency number
The 112 Day campaign has issued instructions on calling the emergency number for the general public as well as children and young people, older people and foreign-language speakers. Learn more about the instructions and make use of the associated materials.
The emergency number provides safety for children
Teaching children how to use the emergency number correctly is a safety action. It is important to talk to children about identifying emergencies and encourage them to report an emergency.
Emergency number emphasised in different ways to different target groups
The 112 Day is a nationwide campaign aimed at raising Finnish people’s awareness of the emergency number 112 and how to recognise emergencies. When it comes to 112 training, it is a good idea to consider the characteristic behaviour and understanding of the target group. For example, it is advisable to emphasise different things to children and young people than older people, immigrants and foreign nationals.