It is safe to talk about self-destructiveness

Thousands of emergency calls are made to the Emergency Response Centres every year involving cases of self-harm or attempted suicide. The purpose of the Suicide Prevention Day is to inform people that help is available and that it's safe to talk about suicide.
On 10 September 2024, it is Suicide Prevention Day again. The aim of the day is to increase awareness of suicide and self-destructiveness and to reduce the stigma involved in suicide. Most importantly, the purpose is to inform people that suicides are preventable, that help is available for thoughts of self-harm, and that it is safe to talk about suicide. The Suicide Prevention Day was established in Finland in 2003.
Self-destructiveness is not a foreign topic to the ERC operators. Thousands of emergency calls are made to the Emergency Response Centres every year involving cases of self-harm or attempted suicide. The caller may be the person requiring assistance or, for example, their loved one.
“It is always the responsibility of the ERC operator to carry out a risk assessment and evaluate the current need for help on the basis of their assessment. For example, a drug overdose would be a task that is relayed to the emergency medical services, whereas the police is the responsible authority when the situation requires calling a halt to dangerous activities. Help can be delivered in many forms, but the most important thing is to know that there is always help available in an emergency,” says Tommi Hopearuoho, Development Manager at Emergency Response Centre Agency.
Emergency calls involving self-destructiveness do not always require alerting urgent assistance from the authorities. After a discussion with the ERC operator, sometimes the person in need of assistance is able to seek help on their own. If the need for assistance is more about discussion support, the person can be directed to call the Crisis Helpline maintained by Mieli ry, for example. The Crisis Helpline offers support in Finnish around the clock at 09 2525 0111. The number is also available in the 112 Suomi mobile application. The Crisis Helpline offers help in English on Fridays, 9 am - 1 pm and can be reached at 09 2525 0116.
Help is available
Studies in the ERC operator’s degree programme involve practising a wide range of cases and situations requiring interaction. Students also receive the capability to encounter customers who are facing a crisis. In their work, ERC operators get practice in dealing with many aspects of human life, and talking about self-destructiveness is not foreign to the ERC operator. If the person in need of help talks about their difficult situation and feelings of distress, the ERC operators will often ask about self-destructiveness directly. It is important that callers are honest to the ERC operators about their situation. It is also important to know that talking about self-harm does not increase the risk of suicide – on the contrary.
“It is important to seek help in a timely manner. However, in an acute emergency, you need to report the emergency and take action in accordance with the instructions of the ERC operator,” Hopearuoho sums up.
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