112 Day is celebrated on 11 February 2022

Publication date 14.1.2022 11.06 | Published in English on 19.1.2022 at 14.55
Type:News item
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112 Day is a Finnish nationwide campaign to raise people’s awareness of what everyday safety is and how it can be promoted. 112 Day has traditionally been a joint event for different safety authorities, organisations and volunteers. Every year, local events are organised across the country and people are actively campaigning on social media.

In 2022, the theme for the campaign is “Feeling safe and secure together”. Feeling safe and secure comes from our sense of security, which can be seen as how our fears and concerns about accidents, crime and similar issues affect our well-being.

How to participate

Local events are an important part of the 112 Day campaign. However, due to the current coronavirus situation, you can participate in the theme day online or without an audience.

The campaign enables safety actors, schools, workplaces, clubs and associations to share valuable safety information to contribute to people’s sense of security. What’s more, we can all improve our own and our loved ones’ safety by paying attention to small everyday actions and choices. 

112 Day also reminds us of the European emergency number 112 and of what to do in an emergency. 

Share your safety knowledge on social media using the hashtags #112paiva, #112dagen and #112day.

112 Day celebrates its 26th anniversary

Celebrated in Finland since 1997, the 112 Day has already become a tradition. 
In 2008, Europe celebrated its first common 112 Day. The European Commission, together with the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, has declared 11 February as the European 112 Day to increase recognition of the emergency number 112 across the EU.